Westborough Education Foundation Grant Application Information
2025-2026 Academic Year
Grant Application Guidelines
Grant Year: 2025-2026
It’s time to start planning your project for a Westborough Education Foundation Grant! The application deadline is March 21, 2025.
All applicants will be notified of funding decisions in late April.
The Westborough Education Foundation (WEF) is a nonprofit organization committed to the support of innovative educational programs within the Westborough Public Schools. WEF grants are intended to provide the initial funding for such projects, with the idea that successful programs might later be integrated into the regular school curriculum and budget. After reading through these guidelines please do not hesitate to contact Maureen Johnson at [email protected] with any questions.
To be eligible for consideration, an applicant must fit one of the following categories:
- Faculty or administrator of the Westborough Public Schools.
- Student at a Westborough Public School with a faculty advisor.
- Westborough community member with a faculty or administrative sponsor.
Proposals will be evaluated to determine those that best meet the following priorities:
- The project is an innovative educational program that has not yet been implemented in the Westborough Public Schools.
- The project supports and enhances the goals of the Westborough Public Schools.
- The project has the potential for long-term impact within the school system.
- Preference will be given to those projects with the potential for broad application to a wide range of students.
- In order to be implemented, the project requires funding that lies beyond the normal school budget.
The total number of grants awarded and the amount of each grant varies from year to year, based on the available funds and the quality of the proposals. Past awards have ranged from several hundred dollars to several thousand dollars. However, proposals of all levels of available funding will be considered.
Acceptable expenses include:
- Equipment, supplies and travel expenses that support the above criteria. (Paper goods, snacks, and prizes may not be funded.) Equipment and non-consumable items purchased with grant funds are owned by the school system and are added to Department inventory.
- Stipends at the rate of $30/hour for time devoted to the program, provided that time is beyond the teacher’s normal workday. Note: Stipends are subject to income tax.
Applicants may submit a preliminary abstract (one or two paragraphs) for the purpose of obtaining preliminary feedback on their proposed project. No commitments of funds will be made on the basis of the abstract. Abstracts may be submitted by email through March 7, 2025 to Maureen Johnson at [email protected]. We encourage grant proposals with the following characteristics:
- Longer term grant programs, with the possibility of renewal of funds for up to 5 years. Plans for extending the project beyond the 2023-2024 academic year should be included in the project description.
- Programs that affect larger numbers of students and involve larger numbers of teachers.
- Multi-disciplinary projects, incorporating several departments.
Application Form and Submission Directions:
Here is the GRANT APPLICATION. When you click on the grant application form you will be asked to make a copy of it.
Please retitle the form using your last name in the title (e.g., “Mayer WEF Grant”). Submit the application electronically to Dr. Daniel Mayer via email ([email protected]) (no paper copies please) no later than March 21, 2025.
Be sure to set sharing permissions to “anyone with the link.”
Before submitting your application, you must have your principal review the application and send Daniel Mayer an email in which your principal states the following:
I have reviewed Daniel Mayer’s grant (for example) and it supports the goals of the Westborough school system. Costs requested lie outside the normal budget, and appear to be well-justified. I grant permission for this project to proceed.
All applicants will be notified of funding decisions in late April.